For promethean criminals. In this case, the fire was only little, so the peckings may only be weekly.
Alex's reflections on global politics, history, and culture.
Here I do bits on culture, politics, art, family, writing and my research. We'll see how it goes. And paid subscribers get access to monthly discussion groups that deal with film, critical theory and. contemporary politics
Günseli Yalcinkaya is an editor at Dazed and the host of Logged On, a podcast series that puts online trends under the microscope. Subscribe to get access to exclusive essays, trend reports, and analyses from the frontiers of internet and youth culture.
Explaining the weird new future, one newsletter at a time. Subscribe for a twice weekly delivery of internet culture, mega-platform grotesquerie, crypto conspiracies, deep forum lore, fringe politics, and other artifacts of what's to come.
A podcast about the shadowy and powerful forces lurking beneath the surface of culture and the media, with Emilie Friedlander and Andrea Domanick. New episodes drop every two weeks, with a monthly bonus episode and other goodies for paid subscribers.